

MP EXPRESS TELECOM LIMITED Our family-owned business, with branches in central London, is a long-established international communications (IC) network company, serving the Chinese community for many years. Officially registered as MP EXPRESS TELECOM LIMITED, the company was founded on April 3, 2012, by Mr. Zhang Min, who currently serves as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). MP started as a joint venture with Jewish partners, creating our international IP card brand. As a longstanding Chinese telecom company in London, we've evolved with the global digital age.

我们的家族企业在伦敦市中心设有分支,是一家历史悠久的国际通信网络公司,长期为华人社区服务。公司正式注册为MP EXPRESS TELECOM LIMITED于2012年4月3日由张敏先生创立。目前,张先生担任公司董事长兼首席执行官(CEO)。 MP初期是与犹太合作伙伴合资创建的国际IP卡品牌。作为伦敦一家历史悠久的中国电信公司,我们与全球数字化时代共同发展。